A Composer's Space: Joe Cutler

23rd February 2022

Features NMC Recordings

Next in the 'A Composer's Space' series we have Joe Cutler. Read on to find out where Joe gets his inspiration from.

"My composing space is right at the top of our Victorian house. In winter it gets rather chilly up here, and today it's blowing a storm! We (my wife Rose, our nearly 6 year old son Arthur and myself) live in Moseley in South Birmingham. I really like the area, it's very friendly and international, and it's also very green (the south of Birmingham has lots of lovely parks). It's very quiet up here at the top of the house, although once a pigeon suddenly appeared, having fallen down the chimney. It was unharmed though, although a little startled, and flew out of the window shortly afterwards.

I've just finished a piece, a Concerto Grosso for RNS Moves and the Royal Northern Sinfonia, so things are much tidied than usual. As I work on a piece, the workspace gets rather chaotic, covered with pages of work-in-progress manuscript and sketches."

"During lockdown, we felt very lucky to have a garden. Rose has done most of the work shaping it. Arthur and me go on the trampoline alot, especially in the summer (it's a bit wet at the moment). Even though we're only two or three miles from the city centre, we've had owls on our roof, and sparrowhawks, woodpeckers all appearing in the garden from time to time. Being outside in the garden or walking around the block is always a very important part of my composing process, it's the chance to ponder over ideas."

Joe Cutler on NMC
A Composer's Space: Martin Butler

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