Data analysis

Delve deeper into some of the individual stories of creativity and innovation collected in survey responses from music creators in the downloadable data analysis document compiled by our data partner, RNCM PRiSM.

Compiled by Bofan Ma, RNCM PRiSM Post-Doctoral Research Associate and composer-performer, the analysis features interesting information about music creators during lockdown such as:

  • 14% of the applicants relocated during the lockdown period, resulting in their submitted music being created in places different from where they would normally make music pre-lockdown
  • Over 20% of the applicants worked in an outdoor environment when creating their submitted music
  • 65% of the applicants acquired new technical and production skills during the lockdown period through creating the music and recordings submitted
  • 22.4% of the applicants considered that ‘anxiety’ best represented their mood as they created their music during lockdown, 13.1% chose ‘optimism’

Download data analysis here:
